
Sneeky Privacy Policy

What data does Sneeky collect ?

As there is not much functionality to the bot yet, we do not really need to store any actual data. We only store one basic thing to make sure that everything functions properly.

Do we share our collected data with anyone ?

We do NOT share any of our user data, since we know how important privacy is for every one of us.

I want to delete all my data, how am I able to do it ?

There are 3 main options available to delete your data.

  • You can either contact the developer on Discord (-" AD! </>#0001) providing your User ID / Server ID. Once the developer is online, your data will be deleted as soon as possible!

  • Join our Discord Support Server by using the support command, go to #chat and mention your current state and issue. You will get support in less than 20 minutes.

  • Some of the settings already have an option to disable them/delete the stored data. If there is no option available, try the first 2 options mentioned above.

Last updated